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Location: Hattiesburg, MS, United States

After mostly disappearing last year, I'm back to blogging again. What started as a blog about what I'll lose (pounds), is now more about me in general. I am random, so is my blog...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Double Standards and Political Correctness

Each of these things seems to take center stage right now. If it concerns either of these in a negative light it's not allowed to be stated. Sometimes it amazes me some of the people that will censor you.
Thomas was saying something about how he hated double standards this afternoon. Considering the conversion, it was obvious how he was talking about some races being allowed things that others aren't. Fill in the blanks.
I simply said, 'Yeah, but we're white. We aren't allowed.' And suddenly he was all SSSSHHHHHHHHH because we currently have a black temp working in the office. It's not like a said anything derogatory. I really don't have a racist bone in my body. I just stated in a mixed environment something that everyone I know feels, but refuses to say in public.
I have nothing again the African American race. I look up to some wonderful people of the race. Of course, some of the most annoying people I've known have been black too. But race is unimportant to me. It always has been. I judge people by their actions and attitudes. If I don't like someone, it's because of how I've seen them treat other people. If I like them, it's because I have only seen them do nice things for others.
But of course, I can't say what I think and feel. If I did it would be considered racist. Hell, I've lived in Mississippi all my life. Maybe I could see the thoughts if I were from the North. Ever since emmancipation Northerns have been more racist that Southerns. Why can't we all just get along.....


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