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Location: Hattiesburg, MS, United States

After mostly disappearing last year, I'm back to blogging again. What started as a blog about what I'll lose (pounds), is now more about me in general. I am random, so is my blog...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Work, Not Bliss

Work has been going pretty good for the last few weeks. It was going from busy to absolutely nothing, but that's normal for this time of year. I can generally handle that fairly well.
It's really the coworkers that make my job Heaven or Hell. Well, today it isn't heavenly bliss. One of my coworkers has went into the bitchy 'I'm not talking to Cory' phase again. She had been that way for a few weeks a while back, but for the last couple of weeks she's been real friendly and talking to me and everything. I don't think she has said three full sentences to me today. She is generally ignoring me when possible. And when not possible. I would think it's something with me except that everyone else in the office is treating me the same way they always do. And I don't recall doing anything to her....I think it's just her bitchy self. But I wish she would quit it. I leave my bitch side at home, or at least outside the office.
At least Robin acknowledged it to me this afternoon. He told me to let him know if things don't change. But I really hope she will be back to her friendly self tomorrow.



Blogger JOY said...

I wouldn't get stressed about your colleague.

Seems like she has the problem and a chip on her shoulder!

Just take it in your stride and show you aren't bothered! Sounds like she is a bit childish to be honest - suggest she goes back to the playground! hahahaha.

11:18 PM  

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